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Spring 2007


Cells Remember the Dark Mother
- L. Calio
Civil Twilight
- J. Campbell
Thirteen and Taken to Italy
- A. DiGennaro
Grandpa’s Wine
- G. Fagiani
scenes from an immigrant’s north
- J. Farina
- V. Fazio
Embellishing an Irish Bible
- M. Flannery
My Father
- P. Franchini
Antietam’s Bloody Lane
- M. Galvin
- D. Grilli
Cuchulain Looks West from the Cliffs of Moher
- J Hart
Appolonia Remembers Her Wedding Day
- A. Iocavino
- R. Leitz
The Same
- M. Lisella
- S. Mankerian
- D. Massengill
On “Tuscan” Things
- N. Matros
Paddy Morgan
- D. Maulsby
Dreaming in Italian
- T. Mendez-Quigley
The Groom’s Lament
- J. Mulligan
Burns Supper
- K. Muth
- P. Nicholas
- J. Nower
Tango, Tangere, Tetigi, Tactum
- M. O'Connor
My Italian Name
- J. Pignetti
A New Life with Bianca
- F. Polizzi
St. Anthony of Padua
- D. Pucciani
Chocolate Craze
- F. Sarafa
Black Irish
- J. Wells

Gil Fagiani


Grandpa liked the sun
and sat in our backyard
in an aluminum beach chair
reading Il Progresso Italo Americano
smoking cigars
with his name on the wrapper
and drinking his wine.

He drank it
from fancy glasses
punch glasses
empty peanut butter jars
fruit jam jars
poured it
over berries
peach slices
crumbled cookies
tapioca pudding.
Freddy said
the wine stunk
swearing he could smell it
three blocks away.

It was Freddy who told me
Italians only built brick houses
blew their nose through their fingers
and had savage tempers.
He said he once saw an Italian laborer
-- part of a work gang
laying water mains on Hope Street --
shit in a ditch
in front of oncoming traffic.