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Spring 2013


- O. Arieti
Leather Dialogues
- D. Bastianutti
Visiting Yeats When The Center Cannot Hold
- A. Cohen
Olive Girl
- M. Crescenzo
Belle Harbor: Hurricane Sandy’s Legacy
- L. Dolan
I Dream I Speak Italian with Grandma
- G. Fagiani
For My Daughter’s Sixth Grade Heritage Project
- K. Falvey
-K. Falvey & G. Guida
- M. Fazio
DOSS0 2008
- C. Ferrari-Logan
New York Edifice
- D. Friedman
The Light
- S. Jackson
Cry Baby
- C. Lanza
Un Beso in Cuba
- M. Lisella
Now That You’ve Gone So Long
- M. Maggio
The Relocation of Mint
- S. Mankerian
- P. Meshulam
On the Transmigration of the Greek Soul
- C. Mountrakis
Eithela Na Sou Po
- P. Nicholas
In the Cold Night Air
- F. Polizzi
Arvuli A Primavera
- N. Provenzano
Still, Still
- D. Pucciani
Driving on the Left
- C. Stone
- G. Tuleja

Spring 2013


Remembering Ruth Singing Peggy Gordon
- K. Cain
Johnny on the Spot
- D. Dewey
Interview: Grace Cavalieri on her Italianitá, Poetry and Why It Makes Sense to Read a Poem a Day
- M. Lisella
Green Beans
- J. McCaffrey
- M. Ó Conchúir
For the Girl Lying on Her Back in a Field of Yellow
- A. Sunrise

Featured Artist
Renzo Oliva



Nino Provenzano

Arvuli A Primavera/Trees in the Spring
Translated from the Sicilian by David Risk

Mentri lu ventu d’Aprili sciuscia
Di l’arvuli ni fa un mazzu.
Li munciunia, ci duna strapazzu.

Quannu lu ventu d’aprili
Sciuscia forti,
L’arvuli pari ca si cafuddanu.

‘na sciarra d’arvuli!….
O forsi mi sbagliu
E assistu
ad una cazzuttiata amichevuli.

Rami cu rami lottanu tra d’iddi
Si grattanu, si pizzicanu
Si tiranu capiddi,
E nun s’arrenninu.

Taliu li rami di un arvulu

E sentu lu scrusciu di ligna ‘ncruciati.
Ma si sciarrianu comu li cani?
O comu latri a lu spartiri!

Menu mali! Si firmaru!...
Ma quannu mai!
Appicica la liti
E si sciarrianu arre`.

Ma ora osservu l’arvuli.
Un viu firiti.
Un sulu!
Nuddu vinci e nuddu perdi.

‘Nveci sta sciarra sens’armi,
Stu ballu pazzu,
Mi mustra la flessibilita`di toni,
Comu n’atra forma d’espressioni.

Nun semu nui li rami
Di l’umana furesta?
N’abbrazzamu o ni mazziamu?

Rami, comu li picciriddi
Chi ririnu e s’ammuttanu
E iocanu tra d’iddi
‘nta lu misi d’aprili

‘Nta la sciarra e la sfida
Siddu taliamu bonu
la facci all’oppunenti
noti soccu hai ‘ncomuni
Ed abbrazzallu senti.

Certu chi Aprili sciuscia
E smovi li me’idei
Di n’atru miu pinzari
Ogni rama si torci
Pi accummirari all’autra, mi pari.

E si copiari all’arvuli ni piaci
Siguemuni l’esempiu
Facemu tutti paci!



As April blows through,
stirring up winds’ laceration,
she riles up the trees,
leaving me this observation:
These trees appear to be fighting,
some arboreal confrontation.
Or am I deceived
by some pugilistic meditation?

Branches embattled,
seen hitting and biting.
A hair pulling drama,
and decadently inviting.

Watch the limbs of a dogwood.
Hear that snap of the birches!
Are they not in a dogfight?
Just the way a thug lurches?

It suddenly stops,
backs up, then resumes,
re-igniting the bout
and the violence it exhumes.

But lo and behold
I’m counting no bruises.
And what doesn’t count
is ‘who wins and who loses?’

Instead, this jujitsu,
this ballistic ballet
points to pliable bending
as an alternate way.

And so we’re all branches
in the same arboretum.
There’s the tree, there’s the forest,
Do we join ‘em or beat ‘em?

Branches are as children
in gleeful upheaval
as ever it has been
since April primeval.

In combat or contest?
Look close and discover
What you take for a fighter
might just be the lover.

Sure, April blows through,
stoking gusts of cogitation.
She riles up in me
this new adjudication:
Each bending of bow
makes mutual accommodation.
So… model the trees,
and their pax recommendation.